Joining this site is very simple and easier, anybody anywhere will just apply in seconds to become a member without necessarily having an intermediary. The site provides a direct service provider where the member just follows simple steps and procedures and lands on the website. There is also a team of experts who can be contacted incase one develops a problem when signing up.
- Contact the expert team within the system with contact details provided on the website or you can decide to the QR code found in the website page and visit the web page that says register for SBOBET
- Give accurate application information to the staff and deposit money to the system. Remember to give out contact details that are valid and the system can use to identify you fully. You can deposit any amount that you wish. The higher the deposit the higher the promotional bonuses awarded to your account.
- The staff will contact you for username and password to access the website or you can visit the SBOBET entrance page to login with the credentials that you been given.
The site also has its terms and conditions for all members. A new member must read terms and conditions that applies to the betting firm. This condition guides the customer and the website when operating. I have highlighted some of the terms and conditions that must apply.
- New members signing up for this site must be 18 years and above.
- New members can only get promotions if they bet on one item only for example football games.
- New members must do a number of turn over according to the term and condition of the company.
- New members must fill their application the correct information to enables staff to accurately verify the information without delays and contradictions.
- The account in which money has been used to deposit into the website account must be the same as the withdrawal account. This prevent contradictions and inaccuracy when doing transactions
- The company will keep the members information protected, safe and stable. Data will be protected to prevent unauthorized access from fraudsters.
- Once a member wants to leave the site, it’s a must to log out otherwise if anything happens the company will not be responsible to any fraud.